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This is a brief introduction to the Zotero citation and reference manager.

Importing from Databases

When looking at an article you want to save to Zotero, click on the Zotero icon in your browser. This will prompt you to log in if you haven't already. Once logged in, you'll see a lightbox in the lower right corner of your page that confirms the article has been saved.

Saving an article from EBSCOhost

Go to Zotero to modify information about the item.


Importing from Google Scholar

If you locate an article in Google Scholar that you want to save, click on the title of the item.

Google Scholar Results for sustainability and transportation


Once you're viewing your item, use the Zotero Connector icon in your browser to capture the document. Again, the lightbox will appear and confirm that the item has been saved to your collection.


Article website after Zotero connector icon in browser has been clicked




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