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How to Use Citations to Find More Sources

How to find articles, books, and other sources when you have citation information (author, article title, journal title, date, etc.)

If it's a book in the Libraries Search, but not at URI...

For items available for checkout but not located at your library, the fastest way to get them is to order them using the "Request" link. These requests take approximately 2-3 business days to be delivered. You can choose which library to have them delivered to, if another library is more convenient.

You will need to log in before you will be able to request items. Click on Locations & Availability to make the request.

location of request link

If it's in WorldCat (or a Database), but not at URI...

For these items, you'll need to use Interlibrary Loan. For books, delivery can take up to a month, so it's wise to start your research early enough to allow for delivery. Articles take approximately 1-2 weeks.

Once you've identified what you need, fill out the appropriate Interlibrary Loan form for what you're requesting. You'll receive an email when the item is ready for pick up at the Circulation Desk.

If the Journal isn't Owned by URI...

If URI doesn't own the Journal (either electronically, in print or even in microfilm) then you still can access the article you need.

1. If URI Doesn't own the Journal, Magazine or Newspaper, but Another RI Library Does

  • If another library in Rhode Island owns the print or online journal, you may be able to go to that library to get the article.  Check the library's website for hours and access information
  • If the journal is a print copy, you can make copies of the article as needed.
  • If you cannot get to another library, follow the instructions for Interlibrary Loan below.

2. If the Journal, Magazine or Newspaper isn't Owned by any of the Libraries

  • If you conduct a search for a journal, magazine or newspaper and no results come up that match your resource, first check to make sure everything is spelled correctly. The catalog won't pull up the resource if there is a spelling error.
  • Check your citation again. Are you typing the title of the journal, magazine or newspaper? 
  • If you have verified that neither URI nor other local libraries have your article, you would then request the article through Interlibrary Loan. For more information on Interlibrary Loan, please use the below guide. 

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