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LIB Basics: Monographic Information

Bibliographic Records

Every item in the catalog has its own individual catalog record. Each of these catalog records includes important information, such as title and author, to help you to identify the item.  The record also tells what classification the item falls into as well as its location in the library.

Each item's record is divided into a number of parts. In a library catalog, each part of the record comprises a FIELD in the electronic record. So the Title of an item will be in the title field, the author(s) in the author field, etc.

Parts (fields) of the catalog record:

Physical Description Location Identification
  • Title
  • Library of Congress Call Number
  • Author
  • Format (e.g. book, e-book, audiovisual, etc.)
  • Publishing Info
  • What Department?
  • Physical Description (e.g. size, page length)
  • What Library?
  • Subject/Content
  • Notes



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