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Textbooks @ URI

Recommendations for free and paid access to textbooks for URI students. Information on OER for URI Instructors.

Purchasing Textbooks

If you've tried the free resources listed on the previous page and can't locate a freely available copy of the book you need, the boxes below provide several options for purchasing your textbooks. 

Remember that if you have to purchase a textbook, there are options to recoup some of your money through the URI Bookstore's textbook buyback program at the end of the semester. Be sure to ask at the bookstore for more information if you're interested!

Official University Bookstore

The University of Rhode Island Campus Store is located at the Kingston Campus. You can check the bookstore's website for information on textbooks for courses. Textbooks are available for purchase or rental from the bookstore. 

Once you have the textbook information, you can start your search for your books.

If you're still waiting for your financial aid to disperse, you can apply for a Book & Technology Voucher to buy course-related materials. Check the Campus Store's website (below) for more information!

Online Bookstores

If you're looking to purchase textbooks elsewhere, the links below are possible places to start your search.

Which Edition Do You Need?

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