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Information Literacy Toolkit

Use this toolkit to assist with integrating information literacy into courses.

Best Practices

Most students have limited library research experience. Here are some ideas for instructors that will help make your library research assignment a successful learning experience for your students:

  • Teach research techniques.
  • Collaborate with a librarian to develop a library instruction session for your students.
  • Consult with a librarian before designing the assignment.
  • Check to see whether the library has the resources your students will need.
  • Complete the assignment yourself before you assign it to your students.
  • Explain the assignment clearly—preferably in writing.
  • Encourage students to ask for help.
  • Provide students with examples of good assignments and highlight appropriate element parts.
  • Avoid scavenger hunts. Hunting for obscure library facts does not support learning library research methods.
  • Avoid arbitrary restrictions on sources and formats students can use.

Contact information

If you have any questions about this page, or would like further information, please contact Mary MacDonald -

You may also contact the subject specialist in your area. A list of subject specialists is available on this site. They can answer questions about...

  • Your assignment:
  • Print, non-print, and electronic resources that are available to the University of Rhode Island community.
  • Using University Libraries Reserves services.
  • Accommodating an entire class using specific sources.
  • Arranging for library instruction (a librarian meeting with your class in a Library Lab or your classroom during your regularly scheduled class time).

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