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Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan

An interlibrary loan (ILL) is a loan made by another library to the University Libraries, so that a researcher here may have access to materials URI does not own. Copies, rather than original materials, may sometimes be supplied.

Interlibrary Loan service is available to faculty, students, and staff of the University of Rhode Island. 

Faculty, students, and staff may use the Request service to submit:

  • 10 book requests per day through Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
  • 10 article requests per day through Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Copyright guidelines govern the types of copying and loaning libraries participating in ILL agreements can do.

5/5/1 Guideline for Borrowing Library: Interlibrary loan requests for articles from a journal title published fewer than five years before date of request must not exceed more than five articles from the single journal title in a calendar year.

5: No more than 5 articles

5: in the last 5 years

1: from 1 specific journal title in 1 calendar year

For more information regarding Copyright and Interlibrary Loan, please refer to this document from the Copyright Clearance Center:

Interlibrary Loan: Copyright Guidelines and Best Practice

How to make a request

This service is available to Undergraduates, Graduate Students, Staff, and Faculty at the University of Rhode Island.

To access your URI Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) account, you must log in with your URI SSO Login credentials

First time users will be prompted to create an account upon their first visit to ILLiad.  After submitting the information, you will not be prompted after subsequent log-ins.  We only advise that if any changes take place - such as contact information or if you prefer to switch your pick-up location - that those changes be entered in your ILLiad Account.

How to request an article via ILLiad.

Interlibrary Loan Contact Information

Please send all email inquiries regarding Interlibrary Loan (this includes both Kingston and Narragansett campuses) at the University Libraries to

  • In the subject line, please include a brief description of your inquiry. 
  • In the body, include your name and, if necessary, more information about your Interlibrary Loan issue

Either Tawanda Maceia, Head of Interlibrary Loan, or Camille Cataldo, ILL processor at the Robert L. Carothers Library, will provide an answer once your issue has been reviewed.

You can also call 401-874-4229 for assistance.

As with the email inquiry, you will receive an answer to your question once your issue has been reviewed.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.