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The URI Library Microfilm/fiche Collection is located in the Lower Level of the Carothers Library and Learning Commons on the Kingston Campus. The collection contains:
Newspapers (Section 1)
Journals (Section 2)
Serials (Section 3)
University dissertations and theses that have not been converted to digital formats (Section 4)
Educational Resource Information Center (ERIC) Documents on Microfiche (Section 5)
Other microfiche documents (Section 6)
Titles can be searched in our catalog.
Manual microform readers can be found on the lower level to the left of the Technology Help Desk.
The digital microform reader can be found in the Interlibrary Loan Unit, located in back of Circulation Unit. Scanned copies of microfilm can be obtained either in person or by using the form below.
There are two ways to obtain a digital copy of a microfilmed article:
In person - Retrieve the microfilm you need from the Lower Level and bring it to Circulation. Ask to use the microfilm scanner. There is no charge for this service.
Online request form - Click on the link below and fill out the online request form. There is no charge for this service.
Your request must contain the following information:
When the request has been processed, a PDF of the article will be sent to your e-mail.
Requests will take between one and two days to process.
Please note: scanning services are not available for dissertations, theses, or books.
Please send all email inquiries regarding Interlibrary Loan at the University Libraries to Tawanda Maceia, Head of Interlibrary Loan. Her email address is
In the subject line, please include a brief description of your inquiry. In the body, include your name and, if necessary, more information about your Interlibrary Loan issue.
You can also call 401-874-4229 for assistance.
You will receive an answer to your question once your issue has been reviewed.
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