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Researching After Graduation: Finding Quality Information After URI

This guide provides resources to assist you in your quest for quality information after you leave the University of Rhode Island.

When you graduate or leave URI, you no longer have access to library databases. How can you locate information without running into barriers and paywalls? This guide presents a variety of tools to help you find information to help you as you move forward in life and in your career.

Please note: Even after you graduate, you can still use any of the three University of Rhode Island libraries in person, and if you are a resident of Rhode Island, you can also get a Rhode Island Resident card, which allows you to check out books from any of the three libraries.

Resources Available from Other Libraries

Here are additional options for finding some of the things you had access to here at URI.

  • Article Databases: Many public libraries subscribe to a variety of article databases. In most cases, you'll need a current library card.
  • Scholarly Articles: If you live near a public academic institution, you may be able to use their article databases while on campus.
  • Recreational Reading: Some public libraries use the Overdrive/Libby app to connect you with ebooks, others may use cloudLibrary.
  • Free Videos: Some public libraries subscribe to services like Kanopy or Hoopla, which allow you to stream videos for free.
  • Interlibrary Loan: If you find a book or article you're interested in and your library doesn't have it, ask your local librarian if they can order it for you.

Opportunities at different libraries my vary - please check with the librarians at the libraries you're interested in to determine what you have access to.

Finding Books

Finding Articles & Preprints

Arts & Humanities

Education Resources

Health Resources

Life Sciences & Environment Resources

Science & Technology Resources

Social Sciences Resources

Created by

Amanda Izenstark, 4/2019

Based on a 2017 guide titled Research After Graduation by Jessica Mason, University of Illinois.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.