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LIB Basics: Introduction to Articles and Periodicals

An Example

  • Professor Smith, a Nobel prize-winning economist produces an analysis of the characteristics of unemployment in the “information economy.” Please do the best you can to put in order, from first to last, the following “events” in the information cycle.
  • The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) collects and publishes monthly statistics on unemployment on their web site at
  • Professor Smith analyzes data from the BLS, using his computer to generate statistical reports.
  • Professor Smith discusses contacts a number his colleagues around the country by telephone and e-mail and they discuss with him possible interpretations of his data.
  • Professor Smith drafts a working paper and posts it on the web in the Economics Working Paper Archive.
  • Professor Smith presents a version of his research at the American Economics Association annual conference.
  • Professor Smith’s conference paper is published in the official conference proceedings.
  • Professor Smith’s research is published in the Journal of Economic Perspectives, a scholarly journal.
  • EconLit, an online index to published research in the field of economics, indexes an article by Professor Smith that appeared in the Journal of Economic Perspectives.
  • Professor Smith’s theory is mentioned in an introductory college macroeconomics textbook.

The Information Cycle

Adapted 22 Jan 2013 from "The Publication and Access Cycle," dentistryadmin, 26 Sep 2006

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