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Textbooks @ URI

Recommendations for free and paid access to textbooks for URI students. Information on OER for URI Instructors.

Open Educational Resources

This page is primarily geared towards instructors who are interested in exploring freely accessible educational materials to incorporate into their courses. Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning resources that are (1) in the public domain or (2) released under a license permitting reuse and repurposing by others. Among other benefits, incorporating OER into courses can reduce the financial burden for students enrolled in a class.

For a quick and convenient way to search, SUNY Geneseo has created a search tool that will search multiple OER repositories at once called OASIS (linked below). 

Open Textbooks

The following is a non-exhaustive list of open textbook repositories to help you get started looking for potential OER to incorporate into your courses. 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.