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AAF 202: Introduction to African American Culture


This is a guide to information about correctly citing references and avoiding plagiarism, for both faculty and students.

What is plagiarism? Many students have heard the classic definition, that it's using someone else's work without citing the source. Plagiarism can take other forms, however, including:

  • Re-arranging an author's words (paraphrasing) and using it without a citation
  • Using someone else's ideas without citing the source
  • Using a photograph or image and not including a citation
  • Submitting the same paper for two different assignments

Sometimes, plagiarism is accidental. A few strategies can help anyone avoid accidental plagiarism:

  • Allow plenty of time to research and write papers and presentations
  • Take complete notes, and include author's names and page numbers for easy reference later
  • Use the citation tools available in databases, word processing software, and online
  • Consult the style guides for the format, such as the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, the MLA Handbook, etc.

If you need more help, here are some resources:

Why Cite?

URI Policies on Plagiarism & Cheating

Created and Modified by

Created by Amanda Izenstark, 8/05.

Modified by Amanda Izenstark, 11/09, 1/10, 8/16, 1/17.

APA 7th and other formatting updates by Tessa Mediano, 12/20.

MLA 9th update by Reina Kirkendall, 12/21.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.