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Government Organization


Welcome! This guide will help you find resources related to Government Organization.  You will find helpful sources on general government information, federal government information, state and local governments, Rhode Island specific sources and sources on international government. 

Use the yellow tabs near the top of the page to navigate the guide.  If your information needs concern federal regulation, laws, or other information produced by the government, you may want to browse our other government information guides.

If you need further assistance, please consult the Research Help Desk.

Created & Modified by

T. Reynolds, 7/81; Debbie Mongeau, 9/94, 4/96, 5/01, 5/04; S. Anderson, 1/07; H. Posey, 7/10; Anthony Loffredio, 5/13.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.