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HIS 508: The Middle East Through Western Eyes

This guide will connect you with resources to assist you in your research for HIS 508.

What Primary Sources Do You Need?

First, consider what kinds of primary sources you might need.

Examples of primary sources and possible places to find them
Personal journals, letters, memoirs

Libraries (Books)

Archives (Personal papers)

Newspapers, magazines

Libraries (Indexes and archives)

Archives (Individual articles)

Newspaper web sites



Film archives

Web sites

Census data


Historical societies


From there, plan your approach. Many library catalogs list archival materials, but others include archival materials in a separate area of their web sites. Browse library home pages for links to their "Archives" or "Special Collections" pages.

If you're using a catalog, play around with your search terms. Many tools use a standardized vocabulary to describe items. For example, the URI Libraries Search uses the Subject subheadings "Personal narratives," "Correspondence," and "Diaries" to classify certain types of information. Look at likely results to form further searches. WorldCat uses the same naming conventions, but other sources may use different terms.

Online Resources

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