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HIS 401 & 495, Prof. Honhart

This guide is specifically for Prof. Honhart's HIS 401 and 495 capstone sequence, Struggles for Rights in Modern Europe.

Linking Google Scholar to URI

Did you know that you can configure Google Scholar to offer links back to articles you can get through the University Libraries? Changing a few simple settings is all that's needed.

First, go to Google Scholar. Click on the expansion menu in the upper left, then the Settings link that appears in the side panel.


screenshot showing location of expansion menu and settings link




On the page that follows, click on Library links.


screenshot showing Library Links location in the settings menu



Enter University of Rhode Island in the blank and click the search button. You'll then see the options for connecting to URI's Full Text databases. Check all boxes.


screenshot showing Library links options for URI


Finally, click "Save." The next time you search, you'll be linked back to URI to locate full text of documents.

Using Google Scholar with a Citation Manager

To add Google Scholar results to your citation manager, click on the quotation marks below the item. This will bring up an overlay with citations in a variety of formats and links to export to several different citation managers.

Screenshot of citation overlay in Google Scholar

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