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Welcome! This guide is designed to help you locate research resources about the LGBTQ+ community and topics related to gender and sexuality. Use the tabs to the left to navigate between different types of resources.
If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to a URI librarian via the contact information on this page.
Are you looking for help that goes beyond academic research? The URI Gender and Sexuality Center is a great resource for anyone within the LGBTQ+ community or the URI community as a whole who may need advice or support with issues related to gender or sexuality. To get in touch with them, check out their website below.
Just getting started on understanding LGBTQ+ issues? These general reference resources will help you learn the terminology and basic concepts involved.
Looking to do more in-depth research about an aspect of the LGBTQ+ community? The URI Libraries offer many books which take a highly detailed look at topics related to gender, sexuality and LGBTQ+ culture. To learn more about how to discover books at the URI Libraries, be sure to check out our Getting Started @ The Libraries guide.
To locate books that focus on a particular LGBTQ+ topic, conduct a subject search in the URI Libraries Search for any of the following subjects:
These subject headings can also be combined with keywords related to your topic for more specific results.
Not sure where to start? Browse the selected books presented below.
Arts and Literature:
Law and Politics:
Social Sciences:
Looking to find the most current research about the LGBTQ+ community and topics related to gender and sexuality, or to do historical research about them? The URI Libraries offer access to many databases that can be used to find those materials. To learn more about how to discover journal or newspaper articles through the URI Libraries, be sure to check out our Getting Started @ The Libraries guide.
Not sure which databases to use? Browse the selected list below.
Gender and Women's Studies:
Arts and Literature:
Law and Politics:
Social Sciences:
Still looking for more information about the LGBTQ+ community and topics pertaining to gender and sexuality? Below you'll find a list of internet resources related to the subject.
Created by David Bernardo, 6/20.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.