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This is a brief guide to getting started with RefWorks at URI.

Importing from Databases

Most databases provide links to directly export citations to RefWorks. Look for links that say "Export" or "Save/Print/Email."

Export link in EBSCO databases

You will be prompted to log in to your RefWorks account each time you export.

If the import has proceeded correctly, the number of references imported will appear on the following screen.

You can click on the Edit icon next to the item in your reference list to edit the citation you've imported.

Edit the reference using the pencil icon in the upper right

Importing from Google Scholar

You must set your Google Scholar preferences to enable links to export to RefWorks. If you are logged in to your Google or Gmail account when you adjust this setting, your preferences will be saved for your next session. If you are not logged in or do not have an account, your preferences will be saved temporarily.

To set your preferences:

  1. Click on the small gear icon to access Scholar Preferences in the upper right corner of the Google Scholar page.
  2. Scroll down to the Bibliography Manager options at the bottom.
  3. Select your preference.
  4. Click on Save Preferences.


Area of Google Scholar page for changing citation managers

Now, when you search in Google Scholar, you will see a link to export to RefWorks below each result in Google Scholar.

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