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URI Libraries Guide for Voting

This is a voting guide for the URI community.


Welcome!  This is a voting guide for the University of Rhode Island community.  Here you will find general and state resources with information on how to register to vote, request absentee ballots, and vote in person. 

How to Navigate This Guide

The home page gives you general information on voting, including websites with voting information and resources for the entire country.  

To get to voter information on your state via your state's voting resources, use the navigation bar on the left.  Voting in New England provides links for you to check your voter registration, register to vote, request an absentee ballot, access state government websites with voting information, and locate contact information for your town clerk/board of canvassers/municipal clerk (essentially who you mail your print forms to or contact for further questions) for each New England state.  The other pages, which list the states alphabetically, give you access to state government websites with voting information, direct links to information about how to register to vote (online, whenever possible--otherwise, by mail), and a link to information about voting by mail/absentee voting.

Finally, there's a page with fact-checking resources and information on finding reliable news sources to help you be an informed voter.  

Make sure your voice is heard this November!

"Where should I register to vote?"

College students can register to vote in EITHER their home state OR the state in which they attend college.  Learn more voting facts with Rock the Vote's FAQs.

Election Dates and Deadlines

General Voter Information

Spread the Word: VOTE

According to the United States Census Bureau, only 61.4% of eligible voters voted in the 2016 election.  Surprising, right?  If you want to take an active part in promoting campus in your community, here are a few challenges, ideas, and resources to help get you started:

Created by & Update Information

Created by Alicia G. Vaandering, August 2022

Updated by Alicia G. Vaandering, August 2024

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.