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LIB Basics: What is Information?

The Challenge

Despite the massive change in information storage and retrieval technology over time, our capacity to understand and synthesize information has remained constant. Beth Clough, a student of library science at the University of Maryland, offers this very instructive historical overview of information storage and retrieval:

3000 B.C. Clay tablets 1 character/1 cubic inch (cci)
1450 A.D. Printed page 500 cci
1990s Optical disk 125,000,000,000 cci



5000 B.C. Abacus 2-4 instructions per second (ips)
1945 A.D. Computer 110 ips
1960 Computer 100,000 ips
1970s Computer 1,000,000 ips
1980s Computer 10,000,000 ips
1990s Computer 1,000,000,000 ips


Transmission of Information

4000 B.C. Messenger .01 words per minute (wpm)
1844 A.D. Telegraph 50-60 wpm
1980s Cable/fiber 1,000,000,000 wpm
1990s Fiber 100,000,000,000 wpm


Human Information Processing

Written Language

4000 B.C. 300 wpm
Today 300 wpm


Visual Images

4000 B.C. 100,000,000 bits per glance
Today 100,000,000 bits per glance


Spoken Languages

4000 B.C. 120 wpm
Today 120 wpm

From an email message from Beth Clough to the Bibliographic Instruction Discussion Group, 10 Jan 1995, accessed 8 Jan 2013 from

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