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LIB Basics: Facts, Statistics & Bias

Exploring Statistical Information

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." In his autobiography, Mark Twain attributes this remark to Benjamin Disraeli (quoted in Columbia Dictionary of Quotations, p. 870). To some degree this may be true - people often use the same statistics to try to prove two different sides of the same issue. This week we'll see where statistics come from, how to find them and how to evaluate them. 

What are Statistics? defines what the term means.

Organizations presents organizations and the type of information organizations provide.

Finding an Association offers resources and tips for locating associations.

Where do Statistics Come From? presents various sources of statistics.

Strategies for Finding Statistical Information offers tips and search strategies for statistical information.

Evaluating Statistical Information provides helpful criteria for evaluating statistical information.

Other Guides in this Series

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