Springer Handbook of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics by Gordon W. F. Drake (Editor)Call Number: URI Reference QC173 S5985 2006
ISBN: 9780387208022
Publication Date: 2006-01-01
...presents everything from the fundamentals of quantum mechanics necessary to work in the field (e.g., angular momentum theory, second quantization, density matrixes, computational techniques), to experimental methods, results, and applications (e.g., astrophysics, aeronomy, plasma physics, radiation physics). Following a short chapter on units and constants, a number of sections--each containing many complete chapters, each with bibliography, by different authors--cover the following subjects: mathematical methods (9 chapters); atoms (21 chapters); molecules (14 chapters); scattering theory (15 chapters); scattering experiments (8 chapters); quantum optics (14 chapters); applications (11 chapters). -Choice Reviews