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SPA 325: Introduction to Literary Genres

Why cite?

When doing research, it's important that you cite the sources that you consult to give credit to the authors or creators of the work in order to avoid plagiarism.

Use the resources below to find out how to cite your sources properly!

MLA Citation Style Examples


Works Cited

Pérez-Romero, Antonio.  The Subversive Tradition in Spanish Renaissance

Writing. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2005. Print.


Pérez-Romero talks about Spanish writing during the Renaissance (35).


Subversive themes are present in examples of Spanish writing during the Renaissance (Pérez-Romero 35).


Database Article

Works Cited

Penuel, Arnold M. “Symbolism and the Clash of Cultural Traditions in Colonial

Spanish America in García Márquez's Del amor y otros demonios.”

Hispania 80.1 (1997): 38-48. JSTOR. Web. 19 Oct. 2013.


Penuel describes the use of symbolism and colonial culture in Spanish America (39).


García Márquez's work uses symbolism to describe aspects of Spanish American colonial culture (Penuel 39).



Works Cited

The Poetry Foundation. Children's Poetry. The Poetry Foundation,

2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013.<



It's important to select poems for children (The Poetry Foundation).


MLA Citation Resources

Citation Management

If you want to use a tool to help manage your citations, there are various citation management programs available. As a URI student, you have access to the RefWorks program. The first link will get you to the RefWorks page and the second is a guide on how to use Refworks.

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