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WRT 104 & 106 Guide for Students

Welcome to the URI Libraries! This guide will help you with your research for WRT 104 and 106.

Almost all of the University Libraries’ databases, e-journals, e-books, and other electronic information resources may be seamlessly accessed from any computer on the campus network. A small number of e-resources may be accessed only from within the University Libraries buildings.

However, remote access (i.e. access from off-campus) to the majority of these resources is restricted due to license agreements with vendors/publishers.

Before you can access most of these online information resources from off-campus, you must first establish your “online identity” as a member of the URI community. Specifically, you must be a current student, staff member, or member of the faculty.

How to access library resources from off-campus


1. Make sure you connect to the resource using a link from the URI Libraries Search or the University Libraries database list.

2. When prompted, enter your URI SSO Login credentials


Almost all of the Libraries’ electronic resources are set up to work with our proxy server. (Technically, this means that we have added to the beginning of the e-resource URL, e.g. 

With this setup, you can connect to the Internet using any Internet Service Provider you want—Cox, AT&T, Verizon, etc.

When you are off-campus and you click on a restricted online resource from the University Libraries’ website or from within the library catalog, you will be prompted to log in with your URI SSO Login credentials. You will only need to enter this information once per session.

Tip: While it is best to connect to e-journals, e-books, and other online resources from the URI Libraries Search or the University Libraries database list, it is also possible to simply paste before a paywalled online information resource to gain access, for example:
This only works for resources that the library has configured to work with EZproxy. If the resource is not configured, you will get a message that says, "Oops! It looks like you have attempted to view a page that has not been configured for access." If we do not subscribe to the particular e-book or e-journal, you may be able to access the site but not the full content. 

Problems with access?

If you need help, please contact the Research Help Desk.

Requests for access by URI affiliates without URI SSO Login credentials must follow the Human Resources procedure. University sponsors of affiliates should navigate to the Forms page of the Human Resource Administration website, select "Contractor/Vendor Employee Systems Access," and complete the linked form for each individual for whom access is being requested. 

Library staff: You may wish to consult the Troubleshooting EZproxy guide which will assist you in diagnosing EZproxy problems.

This guide was created by Amanda Izenstark and Andrée Rathemacher, 3/2014. Updated 7/2022.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.