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WRT 104 & 106 Guide for Students

Welcome to the URI Libraries! This guide will help you with your research for WRT 104 and 106.

Finding Academic Search Complete

1. Start at the URI Libraries home page.
2. Select "Articles and Databases" under the simple search box.
Button for Articles and Databases outlined in a blue box with a blue arrow pointing at it


3. Select "Academic Search Complete" from the alphabetical list.
List of URI databases with a blue box around Academic Search Complete and an arrow pointing at it


Refining Your Search and Other Database Tools

After you initiate a search, Academic Search Complete offers you a number of refining features and tools to sort, expand, narrow, cite, and save your results.

1. Sort by relevance

By default, Academic Search Complete sorts your search results by date.  Use the pull-down menu to re-sort your results by relevance.  This will make the sources that match your search terms the best appear first.

Screenshot of resort by relevance
2. Limit your publication date

If your professor has asked for more recent sources or you have a topic where you need the most current research, use the publication date feature in the left column to narrow your search.  You can either use the sliding bars or type the dates you want into the boxes.

3. Subject: Thesaurus Terms

Subject: thesaurus terms are standardized words or phrases that describe the primary content of a source.  You can use these terms to help focus and narrow your search.  From the left tool bar, select "Subject: Thesaurus Term" and then "Show More."

Screenshot of subject thesaurus term show more in left column of Academic Search Complete

In the pop-up window, check the boxes next to any subject term(s) to which you'd like to limit your search.

Subject thesaurus term pop up box with check boxes
4. Print, email, cite, and other tools

When you find an article that looks promising, select the article title from your results list to get to the full article record. This record contains all the important information about the article including its title, author(s), source (journal or magazine in this case), and abstract (summary of the article).

Use the tool box on the right side of the record to interact with the source. There are many actions available, but these are some of the most useful:

  • Email the article to yourself
  • Print the article
  • Cite the article (just don't forget to check it against your citation manuals because there may be errors)
  • Retrieve the permalink to your article so you can return to it in the future
Screenshot of tools to the right of an article record in Academic Search Complete

Finding Full Text

When you conduct a search in a database or the library catalog, the results are organized into records. In addition to information about the source (like author, title, publication date, abstract/summary), a record will indicate how to access your source in full text. When you search for an article in full text, there are a few possible scenarios that you might encounter. Below you'll find four ways you can access articles here at URI.

1. PDF or HTML Full Text Attachment
  • Some records have a PDF or HTML file linked right with the record. Simply select the link, and you will be led to the full-text article.
  • If you have a choice of either a PDF or HTML file, the PDF is often more useful because it is a scan of the original document.  It will include page numbers, charts, graphs, and illustrations--features that may not be available in the HTML version.
Screenshot of HTML and PDF access in Academic Search Complete
2. Search @ URI Libraries
  • If there is no PDF or HTML Full Text attached to the record, do not give up! Often you can still access the article through the URI Libraries.
  • Look for the Search @ URI Libraries link, which may be located next to or below the record information.
  • After selecting Search @ URI Libraries, a new window will open that provides link(s) to access the article in full text.
  • Select the link that follows "View online" to access the full-text article.
Screenshot of Search @URI Libraries link in library catalog
3. Access in Print
  • When searching for full-text articles, the Search @ URI Libraries link might bring you to a record that indicates a physical location in the URI Libraries.  This indicates that your article is available in the library's bound volumes of periodicals.
  • Identify the date, volume, and issue of the journal that your article is in, and match it against the dates listed in the record.
  • If the catalog record indicates that the library has the appropriate date, volume, and issue, write down the call number of the journal and visit the Serials Stacks in the Lower Level of the Carothers Library.
  • After you locate your article, you can copy it or scan and email it to yourself using the printers at the library. You cannot take the journal out of the library.
   Screenshot of print journal record
4. Access through Interlibrary Loan
  • If you select the Search @ URI Libraries link and cannot access the article either electronically or in print, sign in using your eCampus username and Brightspace/Wireless/email password.
  • Follow the links to request the article through Interlibrary Loan.
  • Most requests are filled within 1-3 business days.

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