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A collection of book, article, and statistical resources for research on Sociology. Includes both subscription and open access recommendations.

Materials Beyond URI

Even though URI subscribes to hundreds of databases, during the course of your research you may come across material you need that we don't have here at the University Libraries. This page will explain your options for accessing material from other libraries in the state and around the world!

While you're a student, faculty, or staff member here at URI, you should never pay for an article or other resource without first checking with the library - often, we'll be able to get what you need through another institution! 

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a free service available to URI students, faculty, and staff that enables you to borrow materials from libraries all around the world. You can request physical books as well as PDF scans of articles and book chapters! 

Keep in mind that receiving materials through ILL isn't an immediate process - while some PDF scans may be delivered in just a few days, books coming from other countries can take much longer to arrive. Be sure to plan ahead!

To learn more about how to place an ILL request, ILL policies at URI, and where to get more information, check out our guide on Interlibrary Loan linked below! Reach out to a librarian or get in touch with the ILL Department at if you have questions.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.