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Measuring Your Research Impact: Citation and Altmetrics Tools

Overview of tools that can help you learn how your work is being received, used, and disseminated across scholarly platforms and social media networks.

Maximize the Impact of Your Work

The availability of altmetrics and article-level metrics depends on your work being available online. Work that is openly available online (i.e. not behind a paywall) will be accessible to more people and will therefore have greater impact.

Why not make all of your scholarly output available?

  • If you create computer code, make it available through github
  • You can share presentation slides on SlideShare or figshare (which also accepts posters). 
  • Finally, an ORCID ID will help identify you and your work online. 

Demonstrate the Impact of Your Work

The tools presented in this guide empower you to tell your own story of the impact of your scholarship.

Scholars should heed the advice of DORA and stop relying on the Journal Impact Factor to measure the impact of their research, and they should push back against colleagues, administrators, and funders who still do so. 

For those exploring new ways of demonstrating their research impact, Jason Priem, co-founder of ImpactStory, offers this advice:

"First, try new things: publish new kinds of products, share them in new places and brag about them using new metrics... Second, take risks... publishing more papers may be safe, but scholars who establish early leadership in Web-native production will be ahead of the curve as these genres become dominant. Finally, resist the urge to cling to the trappings of scientific excellence rather than excellence itself. 'Publication' is just one mode of making public and one way of validating scholarly excellence. It is time to embrace the Web's power to disseminate and filter scholarship more broadly and meaningfully. Welcome to the next era of scholarly communication."

About this guide...

This guide was created by Andrée Rathemacher, Julia Lovett, and Amanda Izenstark, 3/2014.

Updated 2/2014, 4/2015, and 1/2018.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.