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HDF (Human Development and Family Studies)


This is a guide to selected sources of information on children, families, adolescents, adults, child development, the role of the family, family finance, and public policy available in the URI libraries.  To find additional information, conduct a Subject search in the catalog using subject headings such as FAMILIES, CHILD DEVELOPMENT, PUBLIC POLICY, FINANCE and ADULTHOOD.

Where to Start Your Book Search

There are two main places to start your search for books. Each has a different specialty and scope.


For a broader but less precise search, try the tools below.

Department Publications

These are the latest publications from faculty members in this department.

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Created by

Ida McGhee 12/11

Updated, Anthony Loffredio, 12/12

Updated, Taylor St. Pierre, 2/18

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.