Imagine the search committee is reviewing your application materials with a checklist that corresponds to the job posting.
They actually are.
How do you deal with this? One way is to take the job posting and turn it into a checklist. Make sure you address every element in your application materials. A checklist can help you stay organized and on point.
Below is a job posting, and a sample corresponding checklist.
Application materials for Education and Instructional Design Librarian, Salve Regina University (Non-tenure position)
This was my first professional job and, I believe, my first attempt at applying to a professional position. It was essentially a reference and instruction job with liaison work with the Education Department and management of a curriculum materials library added in. (Alicia)
Application materials for Student Success Librarian & Assistant Professor, University of Rhode Island (Tenure-track position)
This was my first application package for a tenure-track position. This position focuses a lot on reference and instruction, with added pieces like requiring research, teaching credit-bearing courses, and supporting student success for first-year and other underserved populations. (Alicia)
Application materials for Research & Instruction Librarian, Assistant Professor, University of Rhode Island (Tenure-track position)
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