Definition of term, consumption, types, production, microbiology and biochemistry, composition, references for each food. Appendixes: Food by region, foods by class (category).
Part I covers principles of food safety and food handling. Part II, "Common Foodborne Pathogens" covers bacteria, protozoa, and parasites. The consumer's food handler's, and government's roles in food safety.
Covers food additives, pesticides, hormones in meat, chemicals, metals, toxins, allergens, genetically modified foods, food irradiation and pathogens. Also covers legal issues, and has a glossary and bibliography.
Introduction includes food safety, bacteria, viruses, parasites, harmful additives. Chronology of food safety, biographical sketches, and references to organizations and information sources.
Created & Revised By
John Laurence Kelland, 3/04, 6/04, 7/07; James Austin 10/10; Anthony Loffredio. 5/13.