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Instruction Services & Information Literacy

This guide provides an overview of the wide range of instructional programs and services the University Libraries offer.

WRT 104/106

Department of Writing and Rhetoric / WRT 104/106

University Library faculty provide library instruction for all sections of the first-year Writing courses offered by the URI Department of Writing and Rhetoric. Each semester, approximately forty sections visit the library where students learn to retrieve citations to periodical articles from a reference database and to access the text of those articles to support a research assignment. They learn not only the mechanics of using a database, but also search strategies and evaluation of the sources they find. In additions, approximately twenty classes enrolled in the Early Credit High School Program in Composition come to the library each semester for the same instruction.


  • Students will demonstrate flexibility and resilience in the research process by reframing search queries in response to initial results.
  • Students will find credible sources using relevant keywords from a research question.
  • Students will apply the CRAAP test to evaluate the relevance, currency, and authority of a selected source.

For more information regarding the Library's instruction sessions for the Department of Writing & Rhetoric, please contact Alicia Vaandering at


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